Interschool Sport



Interschool Sport

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Interschool Sport

Member schools have the opportunity to compete in summer and winter team sports in a number of formats.

ACC Championship

The ACC conducts an All Association Championship elimination tournament. Currently this involves senior teams in Year 10-12 Basketball, Netball and Soccer. A junior Year 7-9 Basketball championship also runs concurrently with the senior basketball. ACC member schools can nominate teams through their sub-association group or via one day carnival or geographic based wildcard pools. 


Sub-Association Sport

Member schools have the opportunity to compete in interschool team sports fixured weekly or on carnival days. Currently there are eight sub-associations conducting interschool sport in metropolitan regional clusters.

CAS - Coastal Associated Schools

NAS - Northern Associated Schools

NEAS - North Eastern Associated Schools

NWAS - North Western Associated Schools

RKAS - Rockingham & Kwinana Associated schools

SAS Senior - Southern Associated Schools

SASJ Junior - Southern Associated Schools

SEAS - South Eastern Associated Schools


Inter-Association ACC Representative Sport

Top student athletes from member schools also have the opportunity to represent the association in ACC Representative All Star teams. 


The links to the left lead to more information, including competition fixtures, , results and ladders.